Baseball season is in full swing, and there’s nothing more timeless than enjoying a refreshing beer and hotdog at the game. Every year, Americans put away 7 billion hotdogs during peak season (link to: but where did the classic combo of hotdogs, baseball, and beer at the game start?
The tradition dates back to 1867, when German butcher Charles Feltman would sell traditional German frankfurters out of his food cart outside of MCU park at Brooklyn’s Coney Island. He would give white gloves to customers to eat their sausages, but the customers would leave with the gloves, cutting into his profits. His wife came up with the brilliant plan of serving them out of sliced bread rolls, and the hotdog was born.
Feltman’s hotdogs were a hit! His business quickly expanded to include a restaurant and beer garden, where he served his hot dogs with beer. A nod to his German roots, hotdogs and beer were perfect for keeping customers refreshed for hours outside while they watched the baseball game.
Nothing goes better with a hotdog than a good ol’ fashioned beer! We recommend light and refreshing, Frio Beer. At only 92 calories, 0g sugar, and 2.8g carbs, (link to Frio is the perfect beer to enjoy with your hotdog while you watch America’s favorite pastime.
It’s been over 150 years since Feltman started the American tradition of hotdogs and beer at the baseball game, and it’s here to stay. So, fire up the grill, put on the game, and crack open a cold one this baseball season!